Plotters vs. Century
Gabriel Velázquez Toledo vs The Wall
Liróforo Plotters
few years ago many of us we had to witness an epidemic of graffiti that appeared for all the houses in the city. The revolt of the so-called "skaters" gave inception more than ten years, copying the European and American models to express their concerns in pints.
gradually evolved their techniques to achieve the creation of a demonstration reminiscent of street art for his technique and colorful murals. Although not all are, many of these young people continue their war of visual pollution destroying the facades of the people, but not a group of young people have gradually been appearing all over the city walls with pints of very good quality.
On the other hand, the incursion of technology on the scale model of a forced modernization trend, leading to offset the canvas printed labels for any number of designs and precision holding of large industrial printers that have flooded the city with hundreds of canvases. In other words, garbage, hard to get rid of it once it meets its usefulness.
If we go out like a strange war between the traditional methods that are fast approaching artistic become a high aesthetic level and saturation of messages trying to sell a product or service market.
The professionalization of the first exercise, you create artists and community leaders to express their concerns with a technique that will be refined over the years, the overexploitation of the second city will become embroiled in a cloud of vinyl that Many may remember the days when political campaign banners used to flood every corner of the city.
However, the war will not end on that, young people who want to start the street painting continue violating the public and private spaces, without any regard for the property. People increasingly resort to the easier, a little innovative computer design that will use Internet images to saturate the perception of people.
The world's great cities have achieved a balance, allowing new technologies such as Internet conglomerate common interest groups of young people who simply need a guide, that may be the same young people who have experience in such a way that they creating independent schools.
New materials are constantly coming to market include products biodegradable, non-polluting, which probably aids in the treatment of waste from the orbs.
Whatever the solutions, both are part of a social cluster that begins to awaken the conscience of the use of popular protest strategies, of which one must be very aware, because before becoming a more visual pollution problem, certain values \u200b\u200bmust be promoted knowledgeable about their use, for what will be necessary to exchange views and promote a sense of responsibility to third parties is not affected.
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