Saturday, March 12, 2011

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"On Urribarri and Busti. The business of power"
A 10-month end of the second term of two steps PJ Entre Rios can not display any strategic change, will assume that we live in a "different land."

Since 2003 until today or Urribarri Sergio Jorge Busti and the public have shown that represent the common good, prosperity and general welfare. 24 years have managed to mount a power structure that has only benefited fans, business friends and courtiers of the palace, but from 2003 to date the PJ entrerriano represented in these two leaders is only dedicated to preserving their positions of power with its sights set to perpetuate itself in office and not worry about incorporating into Entre Rios in concert most developed provinces in the country.
After almost terminal crisis of 2001/2002, the Peronist government that emerged from the will of the people were unable to capitalize on the phenomenal economic growth of Argentina international benefits to prices of raw materials to make a qualitative leap towards the development of their potential and were content to pay the salaries of public employees in ads enancarse works of Government and wildly applaud any gesture of Kirchner to win the presidential favor of autonomy .- No attitude, no voice of federalism, no attempt independence in a province that was the birthplace of the federal system of government that embraced the National Constitution in 1853.
In circumstances as or more severe than 2001, the governments of radicalism that were administered this province and planted more milestones for the development entrerriano:
- They created the Bank of Entre Rios in the era of post-financial crisis of 1928 it was wrongly privatized by governments of the 90's Peronist Party, as well as the privatization of provincial power company (EPEER).
- They gave Entre Ríos in 1933 a progressive, modern and avant-garde for the times we are living.
- respect the institutions of democracy through a Justice and an independent legislature.
- bet without doubt deserved allocating education budgets, raising thousands of urban and rural schools, kindergartens and community colleges.
- NATURAL GAS brought to the province of Entre Rios.
- Created the Provincial Labour Directorate to monitor, protect and monitor decent work.
- developed a vast PUBLIC WORKS network without corruption, surcharges or kickbacks to procurement transparent and protecting the local businessman.
- Governor with decency, without suspicion of corruption entrenched in power and negotiated with public money.
- attended by agricultural producers through product value credits and loans guaranteed by the state.
- created the credit system through the card SIDECREER wide coverage and employee benefits, provincial, municipal and retirees.
- defended the interests of all entrerrianos, without giving harmful taxes through Tax Covenants not to give up legitimate public resources.
- to preserve the state assets without privatizing state enterprises, credit institutions and banks.
From 2003 to date there has been no government program, but a mediocre power scheme has benefited only two Peronist leaders and will continue riding on the thousands of minds that are still seduced by truths copied, stories of others, repeated lies and promises of greater reliance .- It seems incredible that a political party born in 1945 flying the flags of political independence, economic sovereignty and social justice in the XXI century replace social justice advocate patronage, political independence shameful submission to the whims of the Nation K and economic sovereignty for the delivery of assets and resources to entrepreneurs to friends through the game from great business, work and public services
The time we require from a clear programmatic definition we can move forward on important issues that the provincial government has been left out of social groups often excluded agenda.Los have differences in educational attainment and socio - economic and environmental, where they conduct their lives. In the main towns of poverty is accompanied by lack of protection against scourges such as drug use. The lack of government's attitude makes the person from the same province as another in many transform potential risks for failure and vulnerability. The government does not recognize the social fragmentation and the resulting imbalances and social inequality today is affected by an increasing loss of purchasing power by inflation that does not recognize. Jorge Busti and Sergio
Urribarri are equal and represent the same interests. No fight managed between them can hide the true object of desire that unites them: the business of power. So they can not hide the enormous economic enrichment of suspects who have occupied the highest positions through the Peronist provincial, not conociéndoseles, from 1983 to date, another activity that is not the public .-
It requires immediate sanction of Municipal and Community scheme, taking into account that the constitutional reform of 2008 saw a major change, which had no counterpart in the replacement of the laws 3001 and 7555, thus there is a serious institutional vacuum that prevents the call for the renewal of authorities in those areas. It is also necessary to repeal the 9659 Provincial Law that allows an undue interference even opposing forces in the internal life of parties. It also must be set in a peremptory election dates and timetables.
radicalism stands ready to meet the challenges of the future will surely be promising but conscious that it will be possible if we do it with a set of truly progressive forces together in a common project, providing decent and concerned citizens for the welfare of the people of Argentina and Entre Rios.
This is our struggle, we will make every effort to ensure that the dignity entrerrianos understand that they have as citizens is priceless, but also the value of staying in a province where very soon the fate of all entrerrianos no longer be held of two people.

Paraná, March 12, 2011 .- RICARDO

Labarbe - Secretary ALBERTO Rotman - President


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