REPORT OF THE PROVINCIAL the Radical Civic Union of Entre Ríos: 4 months
Paraná, March 12, 2011
The current leadership of the Provincial Committee took office on November 12, 2010, in an act took place in the House of the Party in Paraná. After the first 4 months of administration, pursuant to the provisions of the Charter, has prepared this report detailing the activity, which refers to the Provincial Congress, shall also be the departmental committees and will be published on the party websites and your blog .
Being aware of the enormous responsibility, and beyond the specific considerations arising from the various items of this report, note that has been a constant concern of this committee work tirelessly to help strengthen radicalism united, mobilized, convener, and prepared to govern, as part of a progressive front, as of December 10, 2011, in order to start realizing social democracy in Entre Ríos. We do not claim to be the protagonists of any opening stage, which was a single radicalism in the late nineteenth century, and assume that we simply take a post that we will deliver within two years of management. Value and therefore appreciate the contributions and efforts made by all previous lines, and primarily by the militancy of radical people who have given us a political party remains a formidable herramienta de transformación social. No obstante, asumiendo todos y cada uno las responsabilidades que nos competen, no podemos dejar de señalar, con ánimo constructivo y con metas ambiciosas, que nuestro partido adolece de ciertas falencias y déficits que es preciso primero identificar y reconocer, para luego intentar revertir, en procura de modernizar y mejorar nuestra organización política. Algunas de las razones centrales que se utilizan para explicar el descrédito de la política en general y de los partidos en particular son que éstos se han transformado en muchos casos en meros “clubes” electorales, con una agenda desenfocada de los problemas de la sociedad, sin brindar oportunidades de capacitación and training to its cadres and leaders, and no areas of development and public policy analysis, with strategic sense and prospective, including the timescale for the medium and long term. Although any comparison with other political parties we can make it stand, this finding should not lead us to form, and we must recognize self-criticism and desire to excel to a greater or lesser extent, such deficits can describe the reality of entrerriano radicalism. Reverse that reality is not easy, and it is a challenge that exceeds the potential bounded from management, but it is our obligation to ourselves ambitious goals and try build the foundations for a process that will require continuity and perseverance.
After the inauguration of the Provincial Committee launched a full schedule of events taking of new party officials in various departments, which began on November 13 in Federal and culminated in Diamond on December 21. It should be noted and welcome the presence of officials and legislators of the Socialist Party, the SNB and DC in the inauguration ceremony of the Provincial Committee in Paraná. There have been many meetings of the Provincial Committee, in Paraná (November 16, December 1, December 15, December 22) in Villaguay on November 25 in Columbus on February 5 with authorities Departmental Committee and committees of the municipality of Colón, Villa Elisa and San Jose, and in Rosario del Tala on February 19 with representatives of the departmental committees, giving full effect to Article 52 of the Charter. Provincial Committee Chairman and Dr. Manuel Tennen attorney participated turn of the Federal Committee meeting held in Buenos Aires on 17 February.
In order to optimize the work of the Provincial Committee members resolved to form areas of work, heading to specific issues:
- Political Action.
- Education policy.
- Communication.
- Public policy.
- Administrative Matters.
- Municipal Affairs.
- union affairs.
Overall, we have tried most articulation possible with the various branches of supporters, the National Committee of sister provinces committees, departmental committees, Institute, Youth Organization, national and provincial legislative bloc, delegates at the CAFESG, mayors, councilmen and members of governing boards. Here are some of the actions developed to consider most relevant.
Since the inception of this administration have tried to maintain a fluid contact with the departmental committees and the local party officials. Thus, with much effort, and we decided to be present at the genesis of local administrations, departmental committees accompanying acts of assumption of authority. And while it was an important militant efforts to comply with a more ambitious agenda, we are convinced that this effort was rewarded with the achievement of the objectives we had proposed: that local authorities, the radical leaders of the province and accompanied militant feel, we reiterate, from the first act as new authorities, from the oath and delivery of diplomas. It is good to add that this meeting in assemblies of taking Local authorities also gave us the opportunity to share information, nourishing militants from each of the cities and towns of this province on the objectives of the Provincial Committee and the challenges we are facing, and at the same time make a direct contact with local realities, informing on political, economic and social development of all these places we were visiting
.- The first meeting of the Provincial Committee, held in Paraná on November 16, 2010, issued a statement expresses "the need to ratify our profile opponent of the national and provincial government where we put the public; and our desire to develop a program of progressive government and transformer, which constitutes the backbone of the construction of a front that broaden and strengthen the Agreement and Social Civic-minded alternative electoral majority. "
At the meeting held on the day Villaguay November 25 will discuss several current issues entrerriana, resolved to issue a document stating a position contrary to the absurd attempt to re-re-election of some mayors PJ highlighting the contradiction between the position of the PJ in the Constitutional Convention and the present appeal (see full text in Annex 1). He was also part of the debate the crisis in the health system public, and the relative decline of the province in terms of human development, as it emerges from United Nations documents. On this occasion also analyzed the Provincial Budget 2011, with the collaboration and advice of Cdor. Alejandro Gaggero.
On December 1 took place in Paraná a meeting with deputies of the Provincial Committee of the block provincial UCR, with whom he discussed issues of common interest and decided to coordinate actions and maintain a permanent contact. Members Marcelo Lopez, Mirta Alderete and Jaime Benedetti gave a detailed report on various issues on the legislative agenda, budget analysis excel 2011, at the time treatment in the Legislature. The radical members specifying the reasons underlying the rejection of the project executive, a position that was shared unanimously by the members of the Provincial Committee. The opportunity
recalled the tenth anniversary of the creation of the card SIDECREER by a radical government, we evaluated their contribution to the provincial economy and defense of the role of the state, and decided to issue a document on this issue (see full text in Annex 1). Created a commission coordinated by Dr. Manuel Tennen agent whose purpose is to study the current electoral legislation and which may be applicable in the upcoming elections General, 2011. It will aim to analyze the legal framework that may be applicable, taking into account the new national electoral law, called Act Castrillón, the electoral arrangements in force and applicable to the new provincial constitution amended in 2008.
On December 10, 2010, International Day of Human Rights, and the anniversary of the restoration of democracy, the presidency of the Provincial Committee issued a statement alluding to date (see full text in Annex 1).
At the meeting with mayors radicals held on December 15 in Parana decided to put the "concern about the crisis of fiscal federalism, which left to the provinces and municipalities subject to the arbitrary discretion of those who govern the allocation of work and resources, discretion in the hands of governments with authoritarian and hegemonic vocation as the national and provincial economic dependency makes in political dependence, resenting the essence of federalism and local autonomy. "
On December 22 was the last meeting of 2010 in Paraná. On that occasion the Delegate was received in the CAFESG Dr. Marcelo Spinelli, who provided a detailed report of its actions in the body. It generated a wide debate on this issue and decided to issue a document setting the party's position in an attempt to defend the nation's income and rank unduly ungrudgingly the CAFESG and their capacity to invest in public works as a real engine of regional development, transparency, appropriate controllers and free access to public information. The Committee agreed in 2011 a meeting in a town of Salto Grande region to further discuss these issues with the delegates at the CAFESG, local and provincial party officials, councilors and mayors.
the same day met with legislators and members of the Provincial Committee of the UCR in Santa Fe, led by its president, Hugo Marcucci, with who discussed various issues of common concern, agreeing on the need to agree on mechanisms for mutual cooperation. The meeting reviewed issues such as the crisis of fiscal federalism, agricultural and agro-industrial policies, regional integration, the central region, infrastructure development in transport and energy sectors, etc. .. It appreciated the significant contribution of radicalism Santa Fe and Entre Rios to the recovery of national radicalism and its constitution in force with new vocation majority, which is prepared to govern the country and in our provinces, in the context of progressive fronts.
On February 5 A meeting was held in Columbus, which was attended by representatives of the Departmental Committee and committees of the municipality of Villa Elisa, San Jose and Columbus, councilors and the Mayor of Villa Elisa, Mario Joannas. This time it adopted a statement repudiating the government's attempts to privatize provincial gambling (see full text in Annex 1).
On February 17 the attorney Dr. Manuel Tennen and President of the Provincial Committee attended a meeting of Federal Committee on National Committee headquarters in Buenos Aires. The Board of the National Committee reported unanimously appointed to the Board of Elections National open primaries that radicalism held on 30 April. It will be chaired by Norberto Rinaldi, a proposal by the National Chairman, Angel Rozas, accompanied by Silvia Moreno and Rafael Pascual a proposal from the list of Ernesto Sanz, Juan Octavio Gauna well and Miguel Visochensky, a proposal from the list Ricardo Alfonsin, who will be responsible for organizing and controlling the internal polls in cooperation with electoral boards in each province. In the case of Entre Ríos such liability shall be borne by the Electoral Tribunal and the Discipline, so this circumstance to the National Committee and the National Electoral Board, detailing the composition of that body. UCR holders across the country presented the situation of each of the districts, and expressed support for the completion of the polls where the radicalism elect its candidate for President of the Nation, with the participation of members and independent citizens , confirming this decision as a clear demonstration of party autonomy. The Provincial Committee will implement a corporate communication campaign calling on all its members and independent citizens to participate by going to vote in the presidential primary election open on the understanding that the hours of 30 April should strengthen radicalism overall, considering the challenge of building a progressive front to win the elections in October and have a radical president takes on 10 December. Recently, the National Electoral Board has approved and sent to all districts in the Electoral Regulations (available in digital format on the CD that is delivered to the Provincial Congress.)
On February 19 there was a meeting of the Provincial Committee in Rosario del Tala, with the participation of representatives of departmental committees. Were provided their respective reports on the political situation and party in each district. The Provincial Committee decided to participate, along with other political parties and social organizations in the campaign for the referendum by 82% national pension mobile.
With regard to analysis of the provincial policy was approved a document refuting claims by the Governor Urribarri in the opening message of the ordinary sessions of the Legislature (see full text in Annex 1). It also resolved to propose to his treatment at the Provincial Congress to be held on March 12 in Paraná a political statement that made explicit the rationale behind our opposition to the national and provincial government and calls for the construction of a real alternative government, through the formation of a front progressive firm based in matching program and a mature and respectful relationship between political parties allied. In turn, Provincial Congress will rise to a draft resolution which instructed the Provincial Committee to start institutional dialogues in this regard.
On February 25 members of the Provincial Committee participated with national parliamentarians Lisandro Viale, Gustavo Cusinato, Atilio Jorge Benedetti and Chemes in the Public Library of the city of Paraná, the provincial launch of the campaign for a referendum binding 82% mobile set for retirees, with the media as part of a press conference. The promoters and associates of the initiative highlighted the importance of "parliamentary blocs such as the PS, the UCR, and GEN, are convinced to use this mechanism to give citizens a choice. To be positive the query will be awarded to retired a restructuring of assets, regardless of the willingness of the government of the day. "
The campaign was launched in Entre Rios presented nationally on 9 February at the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires with the presence of the main references of the PS, GEN and the UCR. On the occasion, signed a statement explaining the reasons behind the initiative (see Annex 1). The campaign was continued with a press conference held in Concepcion del Uruguay on 10 March with the participation of President of the Provincial Committee, Jose Antonio Artusi, and local and departmental authorities of the party, along with representatives of the Socialist Party and the SNB, and as social and union organizations.
On February 26 the President of the Provincial Committee attended the plenary session of the Uruguay Departmental Committee of the UCR time that provided a management report. Also participated in the discussions and gave their respective reports, the Mayor of May Day, Hannibal Rottoli, Gustavo national MPs Cusinato, Chemes and Atilio Jorge Benedetti, and councilors of the department. Opportunity was approved by the Plenary a document entitled "Declaration of Home" which was forwarded to the Provincial. POLICY
First, it is worth noting the political will of this Committee to give this issue the attention it deserves, and - consequently - the determination to support strongly the task in this regard must carry out the Institute, coordinating actions and avoid overlapping efforts.
We have tried to promote the continuity of the actions undertaken by various sectoral committees for Previous management and implement new fees in program areas not yet adequately covered. For the purpose of providing technical and policy coherence to the work of various committees, the Provincial Committee understands the organization necessary to advance a Programmatic Provincial Congress, which will generate a broad debate around a set of programs and projects to use as contribution to the development of the platform of government should promptly adopt the Provincial Congress. Continuing
up actions from previous management, was held on November 20 in Villaguay Provincial Day on "Planning for the Agricultural Production Development - Agribusiness and Rural Infrastructure, meeting attended by a large audience from all departments and even professionals Entre Rios province of Chaco. The meeting was convened with the aim of producing inputs for a proposed program of Agricultural Production Development and also served as a forum for political education and technical training of activists and leaders.
Day kicked off the Institute's Rector, the Clerk Fabio Larrosa, and the President of the Provincial Committee of the UCR, the provincial deputy Jose Antonio Artusi, who valued the contribution of the participants, noting that "the Union Civica Radical is preparing to rule in the context of a progressive front, to develop and implement a government program transformer, to make real social democracy and seize this window of opportunity to move from economic growth to sustainable development, ie to a concrete improvement quality of life for all Entre Rios. "Then spoke Mr. René Bonetto, Alem Foundation President and former President of the Federación Agraria Argentina, who outlined the strategic priorities that radicalism will take into account to develop a proposal national agriculture. There was discussion on working committees, which addressed specific issues in the industry: dairy, agriculture, livestock, poultry, rural infrastructure development and agro-forestry, citrus, etc. In the plenary presented the findings of each committee, which will serve as inputs for developing assessments and proposals.
On February 19, 2011 took place in Rosario del Tala a seminar on Education Policy.
At the headquarters of the Association of Television entrerriana developed as planned Education Policy Day organized by the Institute of UCR. More than 100 participants from all departments of the province gathered to respond to the call. Opening Day was in charge of Rector of the Institute, Fabio Escribano Larrosa Dr. George Priest, and the President of the Provincial Committee of the UCR, Jose Antonio Artusi, who stressed "the importance of public education, secular, free and compulsory, as a strategic area in a government project aimed at building citizenship equal opportunities and lay the foundations for sustainable development for all Entre Rios. " Was present at the meeting, the National Deputy Atilio Benedetti, who was speaking in the plenary, focusing on the challenge of recovering public school quality, we return to be proud. The purpose of the Seminar was to continue the discussions last year on educational policies for the purpose of collaborating in the design of a set of proposals to enrich the government program that will give UCR citizenship within a progressive front for the elections this year. Participants were divided into four committees that addressed the following topics:
1 - What education do we want?
2 - Educational Structures
3 - Exercise 4
Education - Technical Education, Productivity and Education Policy
Commissions were coordinated, respectively, by Dr. Mario Arcusin, Mr. Luis Firpo, Prof. Griselda De Paoli and Prof. Betty Barbagelata. The day ended with a sharing and a commitment continue working on the development of this radical proposal for the educational problem.
Some of the upcoming activities planned are: Women's Conference with the participation of Congresswoman Maria Luisa Storani, support for organizing the seminar and Radical Youth Congress, Day of Social Policy, with the participation of Gualeguaychú Dr. Aldo Neri in mid-April, Day of the Public Health Commission, and the Provincial Programmatic said Congress, in the place and date to be determined.
TRAINING POLICY Article 22, subsection 1 of our Charter provides that members entitled to "receive political education." Beyond this legal provision, it is imperative to recognize that the effective exercise of this right has been so far limited to some specific experiences, in many cases similar foundations linked to the party and various segments, but has lacked continuity and that the organic in our opinion requires. That is why it has been and will be a constant concern of this Committee prioritize and institutionalize as much as possible all actions related to the training of our activists and leaders within the Institute, coordinating efforts with other agencies and Radical Youth supporters. The main strength of an organization are its human resources, and in the case of a political party militants. That's why in a society that becomes more complex every day, with new technologies that increasingly impact in all areas is key boxes have not only motivated and enthusiastic, but also updated, trained and empowered to intervene in various tasks required of political activity, from grassroots activism, conducting organic bodies, and even the task of government, executive and legislative areas, at community, municipal, provincial and national levels.
All these considerations have informed the implementation of the Political Training School in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Institute, through the design and implementation of a training cycle, consisting of workshops on various thematic categories. They are made in the design stage or modules of Public Policy, Federalism, Economic Policy, Argentina and History of Radicalism, Reform of the Provincial Constitution, international politics, municipal and Strategic Planning, etc. .. (See list of modules and module material Public Policy in Annex 2). This first set of modules, predominantly theoretical and critical, but Always linking theory with everyday practice and with local realities, will be supplemented later with a series of operational modules, more suitable to the demands of a campaign like the one we face in the current year: Survey of public opinion (surveys and opinion polls), Campaigning, Political Communication, Training of Prosecutors, etc. ..
A special mention and a deep appreciation deserve a group of young professionals and advanced undergraduates who have worked hard in the middle of summer, to develop and rapidly begin to develop these training modules: Grande José Pérez, Nicolas Palazzotti, Fabiola Fochessatto, Pamela Curvale, Leopoldo Puig, Giorgio Luciano, Luisina Rosembrok, Patricia Grinovero, Evelyn Molina, Facundo Gabas, Fanny Maidana, Héctor Barbagelata, Evangelina Quinodoz, Cecilia Chavez, Andrea Baron , and Alejandro Gaggero. Gustavo was tasked Curvale, member of the Provincial Committee, coordinate various tasks to support this group in constant communication with the Rector of the Institute, Fabio Larrosa.
Training School Policy Institute of the Radical Civic Union of Entre Ríos formally began its activities on Thursday, February 24 Villaguay. The activity was in a training workshop on Public Policy, who was in charge of Fabiola Fochesatto and Nicolas Palazzotti. Departmental Committee Chairman Radical Youth Villaguay, Matthias Guelbenzu, welcomed those present and then the President of the Provincial Committee of the UCR, Jose Antonio Artusi, and the Rector of the Institute, Fabio Escribano Larrosa, specifying the objectives of cycle and announced some of the planned activities. Artusi deputy said that "political education is a right of our members, and these bodies seek to be a specific response in this regard", and consider that "a party ready to govern urgently required leaders and trained and trained to participate with responsibility and commitment. "Artusi said that" one of the central causes of the discrediting of politics is that parties have become mere electoral clubs, and sometimes not even reach that, and it necessary to make them suitable channels of intermediation between state and civil society, developing policies and programs, serious and feasible, to strengthen the legitimacy of representative democracy. "
The workshop was well attended, which actively participated in a fruitful debate on the design and implementation of progressive public policies to local and provincial level. Among other leaders Mariano were present Monfort, Gustavo Gabriel Curvale and Epstein, members of the Provincial Committee of the UCR, Joaquín Benedetti, JR representative at the Institute, Raul Guy, Mayor of Villa Clara, Arturo Lopez, President of the Governing Board of Lucas North, and Joseph Barhich, Chairman of the Departmental Committee Villaguay.
March 3 was held in Rosario del Tala the Second Workshop Training Cycle Training School Policy Institute at UCR. On the occasion took place the module on Federalism, which was led by Facundo Gabas. After welcoming those present by the Departmental Committee UCR Tala, Fabian Vila, did Speaking the Rector of the Institute, Fabio Larrosa, and the President of the Provincial Committee, Jose Antonio Artusi, who was pleased "to be taking shape, a bit of assuming our roles, this old dream of having a School Political Education in our party, responding to a legitimate demand, especially of young militants. " The workshop was the active participation of attendees, who discussed about the origins of federalism, its importance in the case of the Province of Entre Rios, and its validity as indispensable flag of radicalism. Special emphasis was placed on highlighting the need to reinstall the question federalism on the public agenda, and the damage it causes to our province the crisis of fiscal federalism, economic and social consequences, but also political, by having a national government with a strong hegemonic vocation, do not hesitate to use discretionary resources belonging to the provinces.
From now on, this cycle is available to be implemented across the whole province, according to the demands and issues of interest that arise in each department. Cycle is expected to continue on Thursday, March 17 in Concepcion del Uruguay with Argentina History Workshop and Radicalism. Training activities and training complement and articulate, within the Institute, research work and public policy, so the days worked and planned also conceived as training instances.
We can not fail to emphasize, without fanfare but with genuine satisfaction that we have put in place, a little bear, an old dream of many of us as a School of Political Education in our party. Emerging initiative that has just given a few steps, and requiring continuity, perseverance and commitment. We also made clear that fundamental will be generating mechanisms for decentralization to departmental agencies and local party, so you can ensure that these actions require diligence. In this regard, the first activities also respond to sensitize leaders and activists about the need to respond to the demand for training, especially young people, and begin to stimulate the generation of local initiatives, which will need with the support and advice of the School of Political Education and the Institute as they arise.
should also be noted here that the Provincial Committee has received a generous donation from the Cdor. José Carlos Larghi, consisting of several copies of the complete collection of the magazine "Alternative" to edit the Radical Center for Political Education. A box with all the numbers printed and a CD will go to each Departmental Committee. This grant is gratefully acknowledged, as that publication is an invaluable material and represents a highly commendable effort that a group of fellow did for years in pursuit of providing training opportunities for our members.
We have addressed all aspects of decision making administrative operations of the Provincial Committee, from the beginning and without delay. Thus was passed and unanimously approved an Internal operating pretending to give an organic structure, which in turn ensures the flow but also the certainty and legal security to our internal administrative procedures.
We have invited each of the departmental committees to designate a Certifying Signature, and it is one of the precautions imposed by the new system affiliations.
With regard to finances, has sought an orderly and austere, in keeping with the possibilities offered by a situation characterized by limited availability of funds. However it has sought to support as far as possible the Institute's activities and initiatives that go beyond the mere daily functioning of the party structure. The Treasury has initiate a process of sorting and updating of all accounting tools required by Charter and by law, so as to give full compliance. It has also required the National Electoral an extraordinary contribution of funds, opportunity under the law of political party financing, while awaiting the outcome of management.
In regard to the existing debt to contributions from supporters who are registering for several previous administrations and for purposes of seeking a solution to this issue, and thus treat the members who are in this situation have an alternative to achieve regulate the contributions due to the Party, and thus actively participate in internal party life, we sought to answer the most equitable and supportive of the commitments in the charter, so that the full Committee by day November 15 issued a resolution establishing a plan for adjustment of contributions to historical value (moratorium), no update and no-interest financing. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS
was blamed for coordinating the Area Municipal Affairs Marc Monfort, Cristian Fernandez and Carlos Battisti. In turn, given his dual capacity as mayor and member of the Committee, Dr. Cristian Fernandez was appointed to act as liaison with the Forum of Mayors Radicals.
Provincial Committee met on December 15 Paraná with mayors of our party. On the occasion was made a deep analysis of current provincial and the reality experienced by municipalities, and agreed a joint mechanism of action, which will be coordinated by the Area of \u200b\u200bMunicipal Affairs of the Provincial Committee. We are working together and driving fluently with collegiate Forum of Mayors, led by Juan Carlos Lucchesi (Federal), Mario Joannas (Villa Elisa) and Raul Guy (Villa Clara).
also has participated in numerous meetings Councilman Marcelo Espinosa, Gen. Campos, pending a meeting with members of the Forum Councillors as well as activities related to the requirements of the communes. PROFESSIONAL ISSUES
has begun planning a series of actions to confront in the course of management, primarily aimed at strengthening the Organization of Radical Workers and boost the party's inclusion in areas that gather and defend the legitimate interests employees and the unemployed. Accompany the claims will be sought aimed at achieving the democratization of trade unions and a deep reform of health and social work public.
should also record here that members of the Provincial Committee in charge of this area actively participated in the launch of the campaign for the referendum by 82% mobile for minimum pensions in the national order.
As is natural, was appointed to coordinate this area to the Radical Youth delegates at the Provincial Committee. Efforts have been made permanent contact with the authorities of the Youth organization for the purpose of supporting their initiatives and projects. In particular all activities related to the formulation of public policies political education, and communication, have had the invaluable collaboration of youth activism. It will help organize the next Workshop and Congress JR. Pending a meeting with representatives of the Gaza Residence, student wing radicalism, in order to strengthen their insertion in the universities and to coordinate actions in defense of our historic flags reformers, by a university in the service of a strategic project for sustainable development all entrerrianos. COMMUNICATION
it is an area that has had so far, for various reasons, care and hierarchy that correspond to the need of a modern political party to communicate effectively, outward and inward, activities, proposals and political definitions. That is why we greet with satisfaction the recent amendment of our charter, which adds to the composition of the Provincial Committee, the figures of the Secretary and Assistant Press and Media. This introduction will become fully operational in the next renewal of party officials, but despite this, the Provincial Committee took the decision to form an area of \u200b\u200bCommunication, in charge of some members of the Provincial Committee to have acted in concert with a similar area Committee Provincial Radical Youth. It has also asked the department to appoint a committee responsible for communication, for the purpose of coordinating actions and cover with the best possible way all provincial geography.
has systematically tried to send media in the province of information on the activities of the party and its political stances. Taking advantage of the possibilities offered by new information technologies and communication, has begun to send this information also to a large database of party organization, leaders and activists, and in some cases, civil society organizations. On the occasion visits to various departments of the province has also sought the presence in local media, through the word of our leaders.
One phenomenon that is profoundly changing the landscape of political communication in the world is the use of internet and social networks. In this sense, we looked a strong renewal and updating of the tools used by the party. One of the first steps in this direction was the renewal of the Provincial Committee's website ( with new graphic design, the more possibility of interactivity, and combination of various media for information, text, photos, audio, video. Subsequently, the effects of supplementing the website is an informative blog created (, with links to different pages of radicalism, seeking a quick update and linkage with other communication tools. On the other hand, the Provincial Committee created profiles on Facebook ( / ucrentrerios) and Twitter (, trying to gain a presence in social networks are increasingly used, especially by young people . Similar actions were carried out by the Provincial Committee of the Radical Youth, with his blog (, a new page ( / comiteucr / jrentrerios) and its presence on Facebook and Twitter.
Anyway, we are fully aware that no technology to replace the dialogue and personal contact, and that politics should remain an activity of profound human content, and we will continue making efforts towards giving effect to the presence of the Provincial Committee the various departments with the greatest diligence possible, taking direct contact with our members and leaders, as well as with stakeholders in each community.
is pending a working meeting of the members of the Communications Department of the Provincial Committee and the Organization of Youth with officials in each department, in order to outline and approve provincial communication plan, which will become one of the key tools in the next proselytizing campaign. Fittingly, when resolved the candidates at all levels should organize similar meetings with the candidates and their collaborators, seeking to coordinate actions and strengthen the effect of our actions in public. Conclusion
been 4 months since the inauguration ceremony of the new authorities of the Provincial Committee. We have implemented a host of actions that we claim strongly, but we realize that nothing will if we do not guarantee its continuity and if not complemented with how much remains done and to rectify the mistakes we have made. We call
with respect and extent, all without exception radicals. The challenges ahead are significant, and we need the contribution of militant and radical commitment of the people as a whole.
This year, the Radical Civic Union 120 years of life meet in the national and provincial political scene. 120 years of commitment to republican democracy and popular causes. Old and renewed attempts to destroy the Radical Civic Union have failed across the line. Entrerriano radicalism, conscious of its historic mission and ready to face the challenges of the future, stands and more alive than ever with renewed strength and momentum that give young people who come back to see our local supporters to find the channel in the UCR to his desire to participate and to reclaim politics as a noble activity to serve the common good.
This is an election year, and it is our obligation to put all our efforts towards a great victory radical. Not by a design that displays the power as an end in itself but as a tool of the great social transformations for which we are forced to fight in the sense of a more just, free and equal.
face a powerful adversary, a party of government at the national and provincial not hesitate to use all state resources at the service of an outrageous campaign of proselytizing. We see daily as the crisis of fiscal federalism, powered by the ruling hegemonic vocation, determines the political dependence of provinces and municipalities in the hand of economic dependence. Also face a vicious campaign of propaganda, fascist dye, which tends to have - especially in the eyes of young people - who now govern disguised behind a mask built on cynicism and political hypocrisy. So, who provided and militated delivery of the national heritage during the height of the Menem administration, are now exhibited in an unprecedented blatant and transmutation as defending champions of the national and popular. Who validated the amnesty of the military dictatorship and Menem's pardons, and even those who can not exhibit a single action in defense of political prisoners in the years of terror, passed today to be magically official propaganda, the only flag human rights. But the media blitz through state media and the domination that is imposed on the private media through government advertising set a challenging scenario, a real culture war in which we are obligated to tell our truths and question the historical memory. Also face the political debate who until very recently, the legislative elections of 2009, were fellow travelers of Kirchner and Urribarren, and today seeks to position itself to society entrerriana like a coherent opposition and an alternative. It is necessary to lay bare before the public so great inconsistency, typical of those facing only the use of power, but they agree in principle. Both expressions of PJ have failed miserably. Lack a strategic vision that provides answers to the challenges of sustainable development for all Entre Ríos. Share a narrow and Perim, characterized by the mere administration and lack of major changes entrerriana that society demands. After 8 years of growth macroenómico at rates unprecedented in our history, a product of circumstances in international markets and not public policy, it is impossible not to recognize that public administration has not been modernized, health and public education have not improved , environmental policies are conspicuous by their absence, insecurity, crime, drug trafficking and the scourge of drugs are not effective responses in the state, social exclusion is only in response patronage and the gift itself of conservative and populist regimes , has not done anything in terms of tax reform and, in general, is squandering international situation, it will not last for ever, to move from growth to development.
A province that was the cradle of Argentine federalism can not resign to accept with resignation the absurd fallacy of the so-called "federalism of resources", which wields the Governor, and that is simply a discretionary basis to return to our province only some of the resources that are ours and who appropriates the Nation at its discretion and abuse.
In this context, initiatives such as privatization of perverse game are the true conservative and reactionary face of this administration, and contribute, together with other factors such as the lack of efforts to avoid overpricing in the procurement of public works to deepen the suspicions that society has on the incidence of corruption in administration of state affairs.
is imperative to build a political alternative that government is an option for most entrerrianos who are for change. Civic and Social Agreement in national legislative elections of 2009 was a valuable precedent in this regard. It becomes necessary to expand and consolidate, on firm and solid, that building frontage.
radicalism challenged to set up an alternative for change and a progressive option offering an instance transcends the conservative populism that governs us, that beyond the clothes that used to hide his true face, is characterized by representative democracy bastardear underestimate the role of political parties and citizens seeking to reduce the role consumers and passive spectators to rely on others to solve the common problems.
If we act with generosity and greatness, if our actions fall short of the circumstances, the electoral victory will crown our efforts. But not about winning an election as if it were a sporting competition, the challenge is access to the state government to promote deep transformations, compliance with intransigence and conduct our principles and our doctrine.
That's the challenge, building a progressive front not only to win an election but to govern, to do with efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and exemplary. To lay the foundations of a society with inclusion and opportunity. For federalism and local autonomy are no longer a dead letter. To initiate a profound reform of the state, prioritizing public employment and modernizing the administration. To deepen democracy through political participation and citizenship building. Entre Rios to once again be synonymous with quality public education for everyone. For constitutional guarantees such as access to health, housing, work and food no longer privilege for some and start to be a right for everyone. For young people entrerrianos longer have to migrate in search of new horizons. To sit definitely the foundation for a province with industry, labor and quality of life. To begin to realize the social democracy. A far-reaching those achievements commit our best efforts, so that new winds blow hard old flags, as always, those of freedom and equality. Forward radical!
Provincial Committee of the Radical Civic Union
Mariano ENTRE RIOS Monfort - Secretary Jose Antonio Artusi - President
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