Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Can Suave Body Lotions Be Used On The Face


By Jose Antonio Artusi (*)
This is true here and now in Entre Ríos. The signaling pathway that victory should be heard by all religious communities. It is possible, and above all, it is necessary for the proper administration of public affairs in this province hurt

80 years ago, the people of the Province of Buenos Aires forcefully expressed their repudiation of the coup that overthrew the constitutional government in 1930 coup that began half a century the pendulum civil-military ended happily with the restoration of democracy in 1983.
In fact, September 6, 1930 saw the overthrow of the Hipólito Yrigoyen, in the context of the global economic crisis would end up changing the economic matrix Argentina, and as part of a radical government's decisive action to strengthen the positions of National State in the economy, specifically hydrocarbons.
The Supreme Court's Office upheld the factual situation caused by the coup, the institutional masazo in no way was safe, because the prestige of the Court (until then) could have prevented it sound "when the sword "and interrupt the upward cycle of constitutionality in Argentina.
President Yrigoyen, old man, but quite clear, despite some zonceras which aims to become true to discredit the great statesman, was taken prisoner on the island of Martin Garcia.
radicalism, as often happen, he had put the death certificate. From the perspective of the forces conservative-influenced greatly by the different variants of anti-democratic authoritarianism rampant in Europe at the expense of more liberal positions, the Radical party was completely discredited, and the dictator Uriburu called for elections in several provinces, in the process to be launched in the Province of Buenos Aires.
Lucidity radical political leadership allowed the party unity. The ticket headed by former Foreign Minister Honorius Pueyrredon Yrigoyen and seconded by Mario Guido antipersonalist was mobilizing the Radicalism of Buenos Aires, and the radical mob beat the Conservative Party, which had the support of the state apparatus.
can say that throughout history Argentina was the only time that a coup might be "plebiscite", as only seven months had passed between the two.
The Radicalism could not assume the government of the province, thanks also to complicated situations in the Electoral College, which are irrelevant, and the dictatorship of Uriburu filofascista had to leave, giving rise to fraud scheme: Radicalism would be banned in 1931 and in 1937 its candidate, former President Alvear, suffer the most scandalous electoral fraud that records our history.
On April 5, 1931, namely, that electoral victory in the first state UCR Argentina, has the virtue of pointing out some directions in a political strategy. Positive effects were once Lebensohn relativized by Moses, who argued that the feeling of knowing most had prevented the radical had a more critical view of himself, and hindered his party modernization in the late '30s.
However, it should stop at some central, fairly obvious, but it should be noted: in a highly adverse knew Radicalism will reorganize and lead the popular repudiation of the regime. This will put forward a strategy to unify domestic policy as expressed in the gubernatorial nomination. Out leaving only the ultra mines, which despite the acronym could no longer be called radicals.
On April 5, 1931 is one of the happiest dates radical history. But this is not its conclusion. It is for this turn and look at the smart drive. -Minded majority, ie, with a vocation to interpret the majority, always within the framework of radical doctrine.
This is true here and now in Entre Ríos. The signaling pathway that victory should be heard by all religious communities. It is possible, and above all, it is necessary for the proper administration of public affairs in this province hurt.

* President of the Provincial Committee of Entre Ríos


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