Thursday, September 2, 2010

Does Strawberry Daquiri Have Alcohol

Our (violent) culture

Our Toledo Gabriel Velázquez (violent) culture

few days ago I had the opportunity to attend a gig of which are held in ballrooms by the music groups "underground" that exists in the city . The mood was festive as the first band started playing. Yet something strange caught my eye, appeared haggard faces simply a zombie mask, moving to the beat of the music automatically, without even understanding what was raging around them.
Smell a solvent that gave off some, dilated pupils and other more authoritarian and violent attitude of those in the center of the "slam" intended to dominate the dance circle, beating good tip to those who approached them, offered the rest of the show degrading of the youth, surrounded by headless, bad social programs, drugs, war institutional reality so beyond our immediate and oppressive system that considers their culture with all the rigor of a generation that has grown old, (assuming that their values are correct and so therefore that must prevail in this city) left me feeling that the violence is also a culture. This
I do not mean to Aztec sacrifices, so famous and twisted by the ignorant conquerors descriptions, or the pressing need for deep social changes to weapons, the war for independence, reform and revolution, but merely a generation neither-nor "that, like any other youth generation ago, seeking freedom from bondage and conventions, with a transgressive attitude of the established order.
The lack of covered space to accommodate hundreds of young people dissatisfied with a system, the best of cases denied and ignored, and the worst of these are repressed, says the hatred that justifies their actions degrading. No matter clouds the mind with solvents that burn the respiratory system and alters the perception of the immediate, distorting it into a paranoia, because today the "cute", the "flex" and all that "makes" for a few pesos, it is fashionable.
Violence begets violence. Transgression of national policies to individuality, the criminalization of youth attitudes and lack of understanding of a social problem that is occurring in recent years throughout the country, have simply created a time bomb.
The vent that for these young people is attending a gig, dance and expression, has allowed the allocation of much of this disagreement. But I wonder what happened to the open spaces in which the regulation of an order by cultural groups can turn violent exercise of hiding in a search for harmony and coexistence? Just a lack of vision of some, has skewed the park spaces as youth, which for a long time are not more active than the free internet-connected computers. Or the audience in a corner of Central Park, has been abandoned long ago.
is necessary to promote cultural policies that foster youth in different environments and stop criminalizing, for the simple appearance and personal prejudices, promoters and spectators of these shows, because the youth is not waiting to meet the expectations of generations that are completely unrelated. Neither the repression
generate good results, because although drug use has increased among young people is more important than a real solution to the problem that affects them, as the disease is not drugs, are only the symptom of something deeper than it has to do with family discord, lack of opportunity and acceptance, and especially with a lack of willingness on the part of society, government and associations of any kind, to give sensitive response to what is happening now.



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