Thursday, September 23, 2010

Further Review For New York State Tax Return

Liróforo Gabriel Velázquez The Toledo
gossip culture

In our country, and unequivocally, to our no capacity for research, product of poor education that teaches us what we should know and not how gain knowledge, we have opted for an alternative which is not necessary to verify the veracity of this. It is just playing a rumor, always charged a little subjective opinions of individual who reports and imaginative exercises to supplement, by way of intrigue, missing data, thus ending further to distort what was said. In short words, gossip.
Envy, malice, ignorance, hatred, are just some of the reasons that lead people to continue a malicious rumor, the good news surprisingly little is known. To make matters worse, it seems that this practice is driven by the institutions, to exercise against crime, encourages society to become an active part of this exercise. The culture of complaint is merely an exacerbation, representative of the invalidity of the functioning of the strategies followed to date.
is not encouraging that we are a nation of gossips, is a cultural change which urgently needs a solid foundation that the humanistic education (Which include civic and ethical values) can provide. However it seems that the institutional arrangements of some education leaders do not address the critical exercise of reason in the students, because it is extremely dangerous for their structures, which remain the basis of electoral favors and money.
The influence of soap operas, entertainment and cheap literature, product magazines that only seek to exploit the illness, in addition to the social development of this practice as unethical gossip. It seems that it is a conspiracy aimed at keeping in mind the lethargy of the people.
But not all their fault, because the intellectual and private initiative (I mean society in general not to the great emporiums), have not made a decent effort to promote the most essential principles in the young, who are most in need. One example is that millions of kids ni-nis that exist in the country, have not the least idea how to get to prepare proposals or actions to improve their quality of life, as they are waiting for paternalism, which for many years we had used and now only goes to certain select groups.
What to expect then? The fear of the state of siege in which we lived for 4 years, has also clouded the thinking of people who are afraid to express an opinion under the risk of being considered a maverick and, therefore, receive the corresponding repression. So the half-truths that the mainstream media present us day by manipulating its contents, is not contradicted or challenged because the majority of viewers who consume this content
Undoubtedly, this is a matter of will. Much has been made with the opening of schools in the state, which is worth highlighting, however the question remains about who will be responsible for the education of young people who probably should suffer the ravages of educational programs officers, which even teachers dominate. Fortunately
large orbs the phenomenon of the Internet is opening up portals that allow young people to verify the veracity of what they learn. This practice soon lead to some critical exercise of the search for a specific knowledge that will transform them into people capable of proposing and defending with bases.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pippa Middleton Is Ugly

Brecht and Artaud. The theater and its poetic

Liróforo Gabriel Velázquez The Toledo
Brecht and Artaud. The theater and poetry.

Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) assumed that "The theater is to represent living fictions of human events occurred or invented to amuse." Idea throughout his book Small organon for the theater, it is recurrent, as opposed to the that was the predecessor of the break with the formal structures of the theater in the West, Antonin Artaud (1896-1948), who was looking at the "Theatre of Cruelty," an emotional response stemming from saturation and intensity. Both models are transformed in the mid-twentieth century, the concept of theater as a whole, leading to a transformation from its roots. Brecht
catalogs for this amusement Amusement and weaknesses, (simple and complex), the latter more complicated and rich aspects "most contradictory and fraught with consequences," meaning those that had a relationship with the exercise of discretion. Brecht said that "The task of the theater, like the other arts, is to entertain people. This gives the special dignity. " Like Aristotle, believes that "Nothing higher nor lower than anything to amuse people." Thus differentiating the dynamics of the "Reflection smart" Artaud proposed for the assessment of a show in all its aspects (music, art, drama).
Brecht insists that the "amusements of various ages were of course different, according to the ways that men had to live." The historical category social helps us understand the way that the theatrical was observed before the emergence of new values \u200b\u200b"Inaccuracy or even the apparent implausibility, bothered little or nothing, while the inaccuracy it has a certain consistency and the unlikelihood be consistent." Never mind that there were inaccuracies or errors in the stories depicted, but ourselves of the beautiful and great feelings of the protagonists of the story. Involve the audience. Artaud seeks, in the exercise of a theater that seeks to engage the emotions of the viewer with the ritual that represent actors, the public also have a positive impact of what he observes, but the shock resulting from the show itself to represent you.
opinion about exercise unprofessional actors "commercial" which Brecht disdains the time, is shown in its view that: "This reduces our pleasure in the theater are inconsistencies in the representation of human events" and though prepared in this way the split with the theater "ritual" of Artaud to propose the free exploration of the scene in pursuit of a smart and simple show, disposed of the search for metaphysical, inner, unconscious of his predecessor.
How should offer our representations of human society? What is the attitude productive against nature and against society, that we, children of a scientific age, we adopt them entirely in our theaters? These are the questions that Brecht heir of his time and will try to respond to the exercise of the absurd. And for the scholarly work, proposing "Our attitude must be critical. If it is society, revolution. " Seeks to bring social revolutionary theater, ie those capable of transmitting a work, certain message. "Do not forget when they are with us, his youthful interests in order to trust the world to their brains and their hearts, to transform it according to its criteria." Artaud on the other hand, started from the precept of "Ritual of theatricality" in their quest for a changing liturgy but deeply intelligent but severely critical Brecht: "What interests the viewers in those theaters, it is misleading to make the change of a contradictory world, on the other harmonious, or a not very well known, other dreams. " The reality hit the stage, presenting a new face: "Theatre has to compromise with reality in order to extract truly effective representations of reality." Including moralistic values \u200b\u200bof society in which the dramatic action occurs: "And this will also that viewers enjoy the specific morality of his time tied to productivity. "

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Does Strawberry Daquiri Have Alcohol

Our (violent) culture

Our Toledo Gabriel Velázquez (violent) culture

few days ago I had the opportunity to attend a gig of which are held in ballrooms by the music groups "underground" that exists in the city . The mood was festive as the first band started playing. Yet something strange caught my eye, appeared haggard faces simply a zombie mask, moving to the beat of the music automatically, without even understanding what was raging around them.
Smell a solvent that gave off some, dilated pupils and other more authoritarian and violent attitude of those in the center of the "slam" intended to dominate the dance circle, beating good tip to those who approached them, offered the rest of the show degrading of the youth, surrounded by headless, bad social programs, drugs, war institutional reality so beyond our immediate and oppressive system that considers their culture with all the rigor of a generation that has grown old, (assuming that their values are correct and so therefore that must prevail in this city) left me feeling that the violence is also a culture. This
I do not mean to Aztec sacrifices, so famous and twisted by the ignorant conquerors descriptions, or the pressing need for deep social changes to weapons, the war for independence, reform and revolution, but merely a generation neither-nor "that, like any other youth generation ago, seeking freedom from bondage and conventions, with a transgressive attitude of the established order.
The lack of covered space to accommodate hundreds of young people dissatisfied with a system, the best of cases denied and ignored, and the worst of these are repressed, says the hatred that justifies their actions degrading. No matter clouds the mind with solvents that burn the respiratory system and alters the perception of the immediate, distorting it into a paranoia, because today the "cute", the "flex" and all that "makes" for a few pesos, it is fashionable.
Violence begets violence. Transgression of national policies to individuality, the criminalization of youth attitudes and lack of understanding of a social problem that is occurring in recent years throughout the country, have simply created a time bomb.
The vent that for these young people is attending a gig, dance and expression, has allowed the allocation of much of this disagreement. But I wonder what happened to the open spaces in which the regulation of an order by cultural groups can turn violent exercise of hiding in a search for harmony and coexistence? Just a lack of vision of some, has skewed the park spaces as youth, which for a long time are not more active than the free internet-connected computers. Or the audience in a corner of Central Park, has been abandoned long ago.
is necessary to promote cultural policies that foster youth in different environments and stop criminalizing, for the simple appearance and personal prejudices, promoters and spectators of these shows, because the youth is not waiting to meet the expectations of generations that are completely unrelated. Neither the repression
generate good results, because although drug use has increased among young people is more important than a real solution to the problem that affects them, as the disease is not drugs, are only the symptom of something deeper than it has to do with family discord, lack of opportunity and acceptance, and especially with a lack of willingness on the part of society, government and associations of any kind, to give sensitive response to what is happening now.
