"God does not exist, there is no god, god does not exist, "he repeated after the last Laritza being beaten to Heman. As if defying insistence that the disputed phrase, obliging himself, to appear before allowing this victimization. The lifeless body fell heartbroken. Rushed embrace managed to finish his last shriek, his knees on the ground and the shadows of those who came to participate completed the picture of helplessness. The band was retiring after stealing everything. Why let them escape? damned murderers! "The contemplation of solitude in a capital city without friends and without protection would lead only to mourn and lament all the time to be alive that lasted the diligence of the prosecutor and the police.
The scene disappears, and the noise of the machines to boost returns. Lady, we need more material, and a molder, staff will be absent for Saturday night. What do you foul? Is Mother's Day lady. That's the next day, but on Saturday I come all but come no more.
serious walking, own everything and everyone, without fear of being hated, changed work hours to complete orders time. How many years does not pass through that district of vice and brutality, prosperity in business that began guided by other experiences, their children were in school they attend or have dreamed. Sooner or later it had to happen, she would win without stopping to anyone, and their children would move much more than her.
Carlos was not looking, sat opposite the bed, pretending to watch the smoke from his cigar. So do not go out with anyone while we were not. Of course love, with anyone, at most with my friends from college, in spots of course. It was a lie, how much it cost separated in that it took to understand the situation, he would not leave his girlfriend planted the day of his birthday. He laughs, thinking of the night when he almost gets locked between the jealousy of a woman and a cheap hotel room, luckily the receptionist was his friend and brought it out in time to take a nice gift for his girlfriend.
She grabs your shoulders. Why are you laughing unhappy, sure of your shenanigans right?. Larisa, I live for you. I hope love, I trust you. To see if the Sabbath going to support me, I need personal. Lari, I have a test on Monday, if I can go, frankly. Not then, just another week of exams? So, are those not taking last week.
Will Superman come to work? She says that no, it's up so-called tests. Is that vague study?, Asshole, and I wish I had an aunt who paid me just throw studies. Do not talk like that. But it's true. Better shut up and not talk. Silence there, now we all stayed until 10 at night, if we will finish our houses, but if we reach the goal we will stay until the end, understand? You know I pay them well when they are late. Well? with how hard it is, with us just enough for dinner today. Shut up again going to attract attention and we will discount for talking.
nine o'clock at night and we finished, so I like to work. They can go home and pick up your envelope at the booth. Quick, turn off everything.
Mom, how strange, was there not working? Why are you surprised?, Instead of glad to see me at home one Saturday night. Wonder mom is not common. Mmm ... I want to try a pair of curtains in your room. No mom, I'm about to break, no way to passion me everything. Now I am surprised, you never sleep so early. Wait, let me order first. Cecilia What's wrong?
The way the room was obstructed by clothes scattered on the floor. A man should be in the house. Those clothes. But ... If you have only 16 years! You're a damn unhappy. My love is not what you think, you're crazy. Idiot, what do you think of me, were you looking for your clothes in my daughter's room?, Get out garbage, I'm going to complain, swear I'll lock you in jail. No mom, no, you're wrong, I love him. We thought tell you, but once you hit that broke both, I asked to return you to get things done more quietly. Stupid! how will you know you love. The beatings did not stop until the phrase many years ago flared in his chest, there is no god, god does not exist, god does not exist. Lari, Lari, let go. My God, no, mommy do not! Do you pray to God?, Stupid!
Everything stopped in the dark. That's what I get for weak, give in to a young idiot who made me believe in love. His son listened without much commotion. The visit those six long months in the hospital without Nigun hoping to hear a positive statement. His daughter, he view a week before departure. Pregnant and with a puzzled look, the waved. Much resentment can disappear with the smile of a child. Everything would be okay after all. The figure of a man goes on the side of her daughter, embarrassed perhaps, is hold hands and decide to go. Everything would be fine without them.
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