any literary criticism, cinema and much less, but as a reader and lover of Gabo I feel the need to write about the movie I went to see the bias and prejudice that always accompany me to premiere adaptation of a novel film. I knew there was going to be like reading the novel itself, which would not be the Florentino Florentino imagined that Fermina not have the grace of innocence. But I went to see her, and I honestly feel they did their best, they took great pains, but still I was not satisfied.
Can you tell me what desire is in the film industry when a novel that includes any love or relationship where he is involved a teen hide anyway? Choose an actress old enough, or indicate that performs various activities related to the character in the novel. I was totally disappointed that aspect, like the "La Fiesta del Chivo" and "Lolita" the leading lady in his teen years is actually played by an older woman, in the case of "Love ..." the same actress plays the teenage and adult stage of Fermina, but manages to convey the love between the young, the magic of it lay precisely in that they were almost children knowing the love for the first time, and after removal are reunited adult and she despises. The same applies to the codependent relationship between America Vicuña and Florentino Ariza, I had a picture of a girl of 14 years to the guard helped him to tie his boots and grooming braids. Makeup film that, maybe by a wave of protecting children, but at least the casting had been more rigorous in the appearance of the actors.
The first time I read the novel many years ago, I drove the image of a Florentino Ariza training in the arts of love with every woman in order to be prepared for his beloved, to the point that came to be in an affair with a woman married taught him everything. In one of those meetings with the aforementioned total delivery thieves had entered the house to steal, only became aware of the fact when they read on the wall of the room "That happens to throw the whole day," I remember the laughter killed by this passage not included in the film. Fortunately other passages inserted humor in good shape, as the scene of the first time (violation) of Florentino, the courtship of Fermina Juvenal Urbino, the scene of the premiums, etc.
They managed to capture the soul of the book, the eternal love, but lacked much in the photo, music: Shakira songs, only two stand their cocks! The first to appear is dissonant with the silence of the landscape. The others are good records. I hope to comment further about the movie, but this left me after seeing it first.
Fermina's father, the mother of Florentine, Florentino and the same look that excel in their performance, at least in the young stage. Some actors lacked the touch of Colombia, as well as Fermina's cousin forwarded What do you think?
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