Renato Leduc
Liróforo Gabriel Velázquez The Toledo
Renato Leduc.
language Desolemnizar
Like much of post-revolutionary writers, Renato Leduc makes the history of Mexico as a pretext for the narrative exercise. It uses the plausibility of historical data to create an atmosphere being prepared with the intention of showing their version of events, with a style bordering on chronic journalism uses to speed the course of events that have as main feature, a series of statements, a product of close experience: "President Madero was the Mexican Revolution, which was Kerinsky the Russian Revolution, but with luck and more tragic destinies. He died, became an apostle, martyr, a symbol and flag, revolution broke out. "
It can be seen in this statement, Leduc also uses irony, says with a humorous game, which further simplifies the contents of your proposal narrative, making it accessible to the public.
is remarkable ability to combine journalism and literature, the author is guessing items in order to return to a bit more critical journalism, it becomes clever, "the political journalist is the historian of the immediate. But often it does not apply to immediate past twenty-four hours ... because the journalistic material is more often than not, as once I heard the teacher Vasconcelos-Shooting and even temporary. " However, despite the testimony offered on his journalistic work, self-repressed, since in fact the language, style and value their testimony (eg on Reed), turn it into a reference author of the historical moment.
Leduc John Reed is for one of the influences that with more intensity and clarity, are seen in the practice of journalism, strong, clear and precise "all the great stories I know, as I recall, only one in sixty years effect has not lost interest and remains current, exemplary and impressive: Ten Days That Shook the World by John Reed. " "Ten days that shook the world, obviously, to clarify, also touched me, especially since by then had left my old job as a telegraph operator, I started in the random journalistic career and was looking for good models of story it illustrates. "
To his surprise, the author was the same as years before known in the ranks of Villa, who would eventually to become one of the most important authors who have in the testimony about the revolution. In this regard Leduc says that "Paul Nizan French journalist defined the political reporter as historian of the immediate. The definition applies to the reporter, war correspondent, etc. ... The ten days that shook the world and Insurgent Mexico, is history, but-if-fit comparisons can be said that the former is Tacitus and the second Suetorio. " Another
Leduc tools used in the exercise of narrative, is the de-solemnize the language. This allows, as mentioned above on their mood, their texts available to the general understanding of the people in general as thorough and authoritative document and in particular simple. "During the months she lived with Mexican guerrillas, John Reed not only was a witness and chronicler, but also the actor of many of the events it tells, and so much so that in the pages of Insurgent Mexico, spilled emotion, humor and grace. "
As a critic does not cease to use this tool to anneal the text of its elements solemn its popular search that certain actions make sense. "Explode at any moment a keen literary sensibility, an ineffable poetic emotion, an indefinable grace and cheerful, a mischievous humor that is not already in the stern."
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Opaque Tights To Interview
Comparisons are odious ...
Villa Elisa . Pictures taken on the road on April 19, 2011. Public Space
clean, tidy, carefully. No residues were observed scattered everywhere. No concrete walls to the delight of vandals spray and rusty pipes. The furniture is simple, pleasant, easy to maintain. There are trees and flowers in the flowerbeds. The flooring is in great condition, the lights work and cut grass. Waste containers, in addition made in the municipal workshops. It is possible, efforts should be
Villa Elisa . Pictures taken on the road on April 19, 2011. Public Space
clean, tidy, carefully. No residues were observed scattered everywhere. No concrete walls to the delight of vandals spray and rusty pipes. The furniture is simple, pleasant, easy to maintain. There are trees and flowers in the flowerbeds. The flooring is in great condition, the lights work and cut grass. Waste containers, in addition made in the municipal workshops. It is possible, efforts should be
Monday, April 18, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Rubbermaid Configurations Compatible
Today, April 15, remembering loved poet, my favorite verses, remembering as if it were yesterday the day that my father read to me and swore eternal dice that I would learn it forever.
one day I was born, God was sick.
one day I was born, God was sick,
Today, April 15, remembering loved poet, my favorite verses, remembering as if it were yesterday the day that my father read to me and swore eternal dice that I would learn it forever.
César Vallejo is dead, is here with me, with us ...
bones Payroll
were asked in a loud voice: "Let him show
both hands at once.
And this was not possible.
-May, while crying, take him far in his footsteps. And this
think a thought-identical, the time zero
remains useless.
And this was not possible. "That makes
And this was not possible.
-that he and another man like him, bringing an
crowd of men like him.
And this was not possible.
-would you compare yourself.
And this was not possible.
-would you call it, in order, by name.
And this was not possible.
were asked in a loud voice: "Let him show
both hands at once.
And this was not possible.
-May, while crying, take him far in his footsteps. And this
think a thought-identical, the time zero
remains useless.
And this was not possible. "That makes
And this was not possible.
-that he and another man like him, bringing an
crowd of men like him.
And this was not possible.
-would you compare yourself.
And this was not possible.
-would you call it, in order, by name.
And this was not possible.
The Black Heralds
There are blows in life, so strong ... I do not know!
Blows seemingly from God, as if before them,
everything suffered welled up in the soul ... I do not know!
Blows seemingly from God, as if before them,
everything suffered welled up in the soul ... I do not know!
are few, but they are ...
opening dark furrows in the fiercest face and in the strongest back.
Perhaps they are the colts of barbaric Attilas;
or the black heralds sent to us by Death.
opening dark furrows in the fiercest face and in the strongest back.
Perhaps they are the colts of barbaric Attilas;
or the black heralds sent to us by Death.
are the deep falls of the Christs of the soul
of some adored faith blasphemed by Destiny.
Those bloody blows are the crackling
some bread in the oven door burns us.
of some adored faith blasphemed by Destiny.
Those bloody blows are the crackling
some bread in the oven door burns us.
And man ... Poor ... poor! He turns his eyes, as
when over his shoulder patting calls us;
turns his crazed eyes, and everything lived
become stagnant, like a puddle of guilt in his eyes.
when over his shoulder patting calls us;
turns his crazed eyes, and everything lived
become stagnant, like a puddle of guilt in his eyes.
There are blows in life, so strong ... I do not know!
one day I was born, God was sick.
Everyone knows I live,
I'm bad, and do not know
of December this January. Well
day I was born, God was sick.
I'm bad, and do not know
of December this January. Well
day I was born, God was sick.
There is a void in my metaphysical air
that nobody has to feel:
the cloisters of a silent
who spoke on flower of fire.
one day I was born, God was sick.
that nobody has to feel:
the cloisters of a silent
who spoke on flower of fire.
one day I was born, God was sick.
Brother, listen, listen ... Well
. And I do not go without carrying
Decembers, Januarys
while. Well
day I was born, God was sick.
. And I do not go without carrying
Decembers, Januarys
while. Well
day I was born, God was sick.
Everyone knows I live,
to chew ... And
know why my verse squeak, dark
distaste of coffin,
winds unscrewed the inquisitive
Desert Sphinx.
to chew ... And
know why my verse squeak, dark
distaste of coffin,
winds unscrewed the inquisitive
Desert Sphinx.
Everyone knows ... And they know that Light is
consumptive and Shadow
fat ... And
Mystery knows that synthesizes ...
that he is the hump and sad musical
complaint meridian passage of the delimitation boundaries.
consumptive and Shadow
fat ... And
Mystery knows that synthesizes ...
that he is the hump and sad musical
complaint meridian passage of the delimitation boundaries.
one day I was born, God was sick,
For Manuel Gonzales Prada, this brave and select
emotion, one of the
that, with more enthusiasm, I applauded the great master.
emotion, one of the
that, with more enthusiasm, I applauded the great master.
God, I'm crying the being that I live, I regret having tomádote
your bread;
but this poor clay crust thoughtful
is fermented in your side: you do not have
Marys to be!
God, if you had been a man,
now knew to be God;
but you, you were always good,
not feel anything in your creation.
And the man himself will suffer: God is it!
in my eyes Now that warlocks are candles,
like a condemned
God, turn on all your candles,
and play with the old die. Perhaps
player oh! giving
luck of the entire universe, dark circles arise
of Death, as two aces
funeral of mud.
your bread;
but this poor clay crust thoughtful
is fermented in your side: you do not have
Marys to be!
God, if you had been a man,
now knew to be God;
but you, you were always good,
not feel anything in your creation.
And the man himself will suffer: God is it!
in my eyes Now that warlocks are candles,
like a condemned
God, turn on all your candles,
and play with the old die. Perhaps
player oh! giving
luck of the entire universe, dark circles arise
of Death, as two aces
funeral of mud.
my God, and tonight dull, dark,
and can not play, because Earth is a given
gnawed and
round and roll the force of adventure,
who can not stop it in a hole ,
huge hole in the grave.
and can not play, because Earth is a given
gnawed and
round and roll the force of adventure,
who can not stop it in a hole ,
huge hole in the grave.
his beloved poet
Amada, tonight thou hast crucified
on the two curved beams of my kiss;
and your grief has told me that Jesus has wept, and there is a
viernesanto sweeter than the kiss.
rare in tonight so I've looked,
Death has been happy and has sung in his bone.
On this September night
has officiated my second fall and the more human kiss.
Amada, we will die together, close together;
drying the breaks will go our lofty bitterness
and shadow have touched our lips dead.
And no reproach in your eyes be blessed;
not offend again. And in a grave
Amada, tonight thou hast crucified
on the two curved beams of my kiss;
and your grief has told me that Jesus has wept, and there is a
viernesanto sweeter than the kiss.
rare in tonight so I've looked,
Death has been happy and has sung in his bone.
On this September night
has officiated my second fall and the more human kiss.
Amada, we will die together, close together;
drying the breaks will go our lofty bitterness
and shadow have touched our lips dead.
And no reproach in your eyes be blessed;
not offend again. And in a grave
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Clear Fluid Leaking From Rash
Alfonso Reyes. Damn
Alfonso Reyes. Immediate Past Kings
bluntly that "the Mexican Revolution broke out of a drive more than an idea. It was not planned. " Certainly in its formation, the group of intellectuals had little to do, unlike the Russian and French revolutions, because it "prevailing circumstance and not discerned the ultimate goals." Response
Revolution is a progressive society which sought a change, a break with the regime was simply necessary, but in the realm of ideas "Intelligence comes with it, not produced, sometimes only the suffering, as it comes day the lights. "
The student environment ruled by examining their own issues to consider "urgent consideration" Reyes believes that this environment can clearly be remembered with two examples, a National Preparatory School "is a common denominator in the base of all races Liberals and is the only covering educational doctrine of the time "and the other is the School Reyes National Court defined as "the sharp point which was directed mainly to public life."
Students of the National School of Law, called tribunes of the fact that they represented a stronghold for the regime, where anyone who had a way with words to merit seats in Congress amid public opinion that he "expected all the lawyers "was fortunately well meet the National Student Congress that" students of all professions demonstrating for the first time a clear way that everyone felt called to reach agreement with public duties. " The lawyers "oratorios" could not be performed on the barricades, for "The revolution left behind, with speed of cataclysms, the boldness of the lawyers. Very soon dispensed with them. Forces pushing for real and not verbal, was beaten to carving their ideology, rather far from what they had imagined their first prophets. " According
Juan Peña, Mexico positivism "had become routine and lost educational credit to our eyes." The new winds coming from Europe, typed values \u200b\u200bthat led to a break with the outdated system that the regime is bent on hold. Scientistic spirit of previous generations of educators, was rejected oratory for his demagoguery.
The literary and cultural environment of the time, was preceded by events in many nuances, like the effervescence from Washington by the college to break with the system. "Gutiérrez Nájera With the new routes were opened, his body was the Blue magazine. Heir of the journal Modern doorbells popular among modes we post-revolutionary poetry. The writers who stand out in the first magazine, bloom as early as the second. "
Savia Moderna Magazine brings a new generation of writers, artists and intellectuals, the protest against the attempt to relaunch the magazine Azul. The company emerged Conference the student movement that rose to the magazine Blue could continue their "dream inviolate." "We founded the company in conferences to have direct dealings with the public to talk with them. The first cycle was in the casino of Santa Maria. Each session had a speaker and a poet. This was stretching our action by the bourgeois neighborhoods. There was everything from metaphysics and education, painting and poetry. The success was frank. " Later
Antonio Caso, in the second lecture, described the attitude of young people against the official doctrines. The foundation of the University of youth, marked the milestone in the history of literature national.
Alfonso Reyes. Immediate Past Kings
bluntly that "the Mexican Revolution broke out of a drive more than an idea. It was not planned. " Certainly in its formation, the group of intellectuals had little to do, unlike the Russian and French revolutions, because it "prevailing circumstance and not discerned the ultimate goals." Response
Revolution is a progressive society which sought a change, a break with the regime was simply necessary, but in the realm of ideas "Intelligence comes with it, not produced, sometimes only the suffering, as it comes day the lights. "
The student environment ruled by examining their own issues to consider "urgent consideration" Reyes believes that this environment can clearly be remembered with two examples, a National Preparatory School "is a common denominator in the base of all races Liberals and is the only covering educational doctrine of the time "and the other is the School Reyes National Court defined as "the sharp point which was directed mainly to public life."
Students of the National School of Law, called tribunes of the fact that they represented a stronghold for the regime, where anyone who had a way with words to merit seats in Congress amid public opinion that he "expected all the lawyers "was fortunately well meet the National Student Congress that" students of all professions demonstrating for the first time a clear way that everyone felt called to reach agreement with public duties. " The lawyers "oratorios" could not be performed on the barricades, for "The revolution left behind, with speed of cataclysms, the boldness of the lawyers. Very soon dispensed with them. Forces pushing for real and not verbal, was beaten to carving their ideology, rather far from what they had imagined their first prophets. " According
Juan Peña, Mexico positivism "had become routine and lost educational credit to our eyes." The new winds coming from Europe, typed values \u200b\u200bthat led to a break with the outdated system that the regime is bent on hold. Scientistic spirit of previous generations of educators, was rejected oratory for his demagoguery.
The literary and cultural environment of the time, was preceded by events in many nuances, like the effervescence from Washington by the college to break with the system. "Gutiérrez Nájera With the new routes were opened, his body was the Blue magazine. Heir of the journal Modern doorbells popular among modes we post-revolutionary poetry. The writers who stand out in the first magazine, bloom as early as the second. "
Savia Moderna Magazine brings a new generation of writers, artists and intellectuals, the protest against the attempt to relaunch the magazine Azul. The company emerged Conference the student movement that rose to the magazine Blue could continue their "dream inviolate." "We founded the company in conferences to have direct dealings with the public to talk with them. The first cycle was in the casino of Santa Maria. Each session had a speaker and a poet. This was stretching our action by the bourgeois neighborhoods. There was everything from metaphysics and education, painting and poetry. The success was frank. " Later
Antonio Caso, in the second lecture, described the attitude of young people against the official doctrines. The foundation of the University of youth, marked the milestone in the history of literature national.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Excercise Inquiry Letter
Artusi MP proposes to endorse the refund of VAT to the beneficiaries of the Universal for Child
provincial deputy Jose Antonio Artusi (UCR) reported that a draft resolution submitted by the proponent seeking approval of a national law which provides for the reimbursement of value added tax (VAT) to recipients of the Universal and Son.
Artusi said that recently a group of national representatives of various blocks presented a bill to that effect, and said that "a measure like that would endorse the virtue of enhancing the redistributive effect of the universal child allowance, whose purchasing power is eroded today by the impact of inflation, which especially affects the most disadvantaged sectors of the population. Among other things, national MPs say authors of the initiative in its reasons that "this project aims to start disminuir la carga tributaria en los sectores más vulnerables de nuestra sociedad impulsando en simultáneo una mayor formalización y bancarización de la actividad económica. Es así que proponemos eliminar el impacto del Impuesto al Valor Agregado sobre los beneficiarios de la Asignación Universal por Hijo mediante la devolución del 100% del impuesto incluido las operaciones de adquisición de bienes y/o contratación de obras y/o servicios, cancelada mediante la utilización de la tarjeta de débito asociada a dicho beneficio. En base a todo lo planteado anteriormente, podemos afirmar que esta ley tendrá múltiples impactos. Los beneficiarios de la Asignación Universal por Hijo verán incrementadas sus prestaciones by the total value added tax included in purchases, increasing the power margin, generating thus a greater demand for goods and services and thereby boost the country's economic activity. The increase in banking will lead to reduce the volume of unregistered economy and informal work associated with it. In economic terms, this combination of effects will offset the decline in tax revenues that enter the national treasury for reimbursement of Value Added Tax. On the other hand, in social terms, the lowest tax burden on poor households contribute to a more equitable distribution in our system tax, generating greater social cohesion as well as a basic element of a just and integrated ".-
provincial deputy Jose Antonio Artusi (UCR) reported that a draft resolution submitted by the proponent seeking approval of a national law which provides for the reimbursement of value added tax (VAT) to recipients of the Universal and Son.
Artusi said that recently a group of national representatives of various blocks presented a bill to that effect, and said that "a measure like that would endorse the virtue of enhancing the redistributive effect of the universal child allowance, whose purchasing power is eroded today by the impact of inflation, which especially affects the most disadvantaged sectors of the population. Among other things, national MPs say authors of the initiative in its reasons that "this project aims to start disminuir la carga tributaria en los sectores más vulnerables de nuestra sociedad impulsando en simultáneo una mayor formalización y bancarización de la actividad económica. Es así que proponemos eliminar el impacto del Impuesto al Valor Agregado sobre los beneficiarios de la Asignación Universal por Hijo mediante la devolución del 100% del impuesto incluido las operaciones de adquisición de bienes y/o contratación de obras y/o servicios, cancelada mediante la utilización de la tarjeta de débito asociada a dicho beneficio. En base a todo lo planteado anteriormente, podemos afirmar que esta ley tendrá múltiples impactos. Los beneficiarios de la Asignación Universal por Hijo verán incrementadas sus prestaciones by the total value added tax included in purchases, increasing the power margin, generating thus a greater demand for goods and services and thereby boost the country's economic activity. The increase in banking will lead to reduce the volume of unregistered economy and informal work associated with it. In economic terms, this combination of effects will offset the decline in tax revenues that enter the national treasury for reimbursement of Value Added Tax. On the other hand, in social terms, the lowest tax burden on poor households contribute to a more equitable distribution in our system tax, generating greater social cohesion as well as a basic element of a just and integrated ".-
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Mustangs For 10000 Dollars
Gualeguaychú Day Debate on the Social Question in Entre Ríos
will be held on Saturday April 16 from 10 hours a day of discussion on "Challenges of social issues in Entre Rios" in the framework of the activities being conducted by the Institute of Public Policy Radical Civic Union of Entre Ríos. The activity is part of a series of sessions that lead to the realization of a Programmatic Provincial Congress, which will outline the proposed program that radicalism offered as a contribution to building a progressive front in Entre Ríos.
Speakers will be:
- Dr. ALDO NERI (former Minister of Health of the Nation, former U.S. Representative) "The dilemmas of politics with the social question"
- Bishop Jorge Lozano (Bishop of the Diocese of Gualeguaychú) "Addiction as a social scourge"
- Dr. PABLO FARIAS (Minister of Social Development in the province of Santa Fe) "Governance refers to the question social
Location: School # 69 Mercedes San Martin de Balcarce, Urquiza and GUALEGUAYCHU Plans (vs. Centenary Hospital).
Participation: is open to the public, free.
UCR Institute of Entre Ríos Provincial Committee Departmental Gualeguaychú yComité
will be held on Saturday April 16 from 10 hours a day of discussion on "Challenges of social issues in Entre Rios" in the framework of the activities being conducted by the Institute of Public Policy Radical Civic Union of Entre Ríos. The activity is part of a series of sessions that lead to the realization of a Programmatic Provincial Congress, which will outline the proposed program that radicalism offered as a contribution to building a progressive front in Entre Ríos.
Speakers will be:
- Dr. ALDO NERI (former Minister of Health of the Nation, former U.S. Representative) "The dilemmas of politics with the social question"
- Bishop Jorge Lozano (Bishop of the Diocese of Gualeguaychú) "Addiction as a social scourge"
- Dr. PABLO FARIAS (Minister of Social Development in the province of Santa Fe) "Governance refers to the question social
Location: School # 69 Mercedes San Martin de Balcarce, Urquiza and GUALEGUAYCHU Plans (vs. Centenary Hospital).
Participation: is open to the public, free.
UCR Institute of Entre Ríos Provincial Committee Departmental Gualeguaychú yComité
Can Suave Body Lotions Be Used On The Face
By Jose Antonio Artusi (*)
This is true here and now in Entre Ríos. The signaling pathway that victory should be heard by all religious communities. It is possible, and above all, it is necessary for the proper administration of public affairs in this province hurt
80 years ago, the people of the Province of Buenos Aires forcefully expressed their repudiation of the coup that overthrew the constitutional government in 1930 coup that began half a century the pendulum civil-military ended happily with the restoration of democracy in 1983.
In fact, September 6, 1930 saw the overthrow of the Hipólito Yrigoyen, in the context of the global economic crisis would end up changing the economic matrix Argentina, and as part of a radical government's decisive action to strengthen the positions of National State in the economy, specifically hydrocarbons.
The Supreme Court's Office upheld the factual situation caused by the coup, the institutional masazo in no way was safe, because the prestige of the Court (until then) could have prevented it sound "when the sword "and interrupt the upward cycle of constitutionality in Argentina.
President Yrigoyen, old man, but quite clear, despite some zonceras which aims to become true to discredit the great statesman, was taken prisoner on the island of Martin Garcia.
radicalism, as often happen, he had put the death certificate. From the perspective of the forces conservative-influenced greatly by the different variants of anti-democratic authoritarianism rampant in Europe at the expense of more liberal positions, the Radical party was completely discredited, and the dictator Uriburu called for elections in several provinces, in the process to be launched in the Province of Buenos Aires.
Lucidity radical political leadership allowed the party unity. The ticket headed by former Foreign Minister Honorius Pueyrredon Yrigoyen and seconded by Mario Guido antipersonalist was mobilizing the Radicalism of Buenos Aires, and the radical mob beat the Conservative Party, which had the support of the state apparatus.
can say that throughout history Argentina was the only time that a coup might be "plebiscite", as only seven months had passed between the two.
The Radicalism could not assume the government of the province, thanks also to complicated situations in the Electoral College, which are irrelevant, and the dictatorship of Uriburu filofascista had to leave, giving rise to fraud scheme: Radicalism would be banned in 1931 and in 1937 its candidate, former President Alvear, suffer the most scandalous electoral fraud that records our history.
On April 5, 1931, namely, that electoral victory in the first state UCR Argentina, has the virtue of pointing out some directions in a political strategy. Positive effects were once Lebensohn relativized by Moses, who argued that the feeling of knowing most had prevented the radical had a more critical view of himself, and hindered his party modernization in the late '30s.
However, it should stop at some central, fairly obvious, but it should be noted: in a highly adverse knew Radicalism will reorganize and lead the popular repudiation of the regime. This will put forward a strategy to unify domestic policy as expressed in the gubernatorial nomination. Out leaving only the ultra mines, which despite the acronym could no longer be called radicals.
On April 5, 1931 is one of the happiest dates radical history. But this is not its conclusion. It is for this turn and look at the smart drive. -Minded majority, ie, with a vocation to interpret the majority, always within the framework of radical doctrine.
This is true here and now in Entre Ríos. The signaling pathway that victory should be heard by all religious communities. It is possible, and above all, it is necessary for the proper administration of public affairs in this province hurt.
* President of the Provincial Committee of Entre Ríos UCR
By Jose Antonio Artusi (*)
This is true here and now in Entre Ríos. The signaling pathway that victory should be heard by all religious communities. It is possible, and above all, it is necessary for the proper administration of public affairs in this province hurt
80 years ago, the people of the Province of Buenos Aires forcefully expressed their repudiation of the coup that overthrew the constitutional government in 1930 coup that began half a century the pendulum civil-military ended happily with the restoration of democracy in 1983.
In fact, September 6, 1930 saw the overthrow of the Hipólito Yrigoyen, in the context of the global economic crisis would end up changing the economic matrix Argentina, and as part of a radical government's decisive action to strengthen the positions of National State in the economy, specifically hydrocarbons.
The Supreme Court's Office upheld the factual situation caused by the coup, the institutional masazo in no way was safe, because the prestige of the Court (until then) could have prevented it sound "when the sword "and interrupt the upward cycle of constitutionality in Argentina.
President Yrigoyen, old man, but quite clear, despite some zonceras which aims to become true to discredit the great statesman, was taken prisoner on the island of Martin Garcia.
radicalism, as often happen, he had put the death certificate. From the perspective of the forces conservative-influenced greatly by the different variants of anti-democratic authoritarianism rampant in Europe at the expense of more liberal positions, the Radical party was completely discredited, and the dictator Uriburu called for elections in several provinces, in the process to be launched in the Province of Buenos Aires.
Lucidity radical political leadership allowed the party unity. The ticket headed by former Foreign Minister Honorius Pueyrredon Yrigoyen and seconded by Mario Guido antipersonalist was mobilizing the Radicalism of Buenos Aires, and the radical mob beat the Conservative Party, which had the support of the state apparatus.
can say that throughout history Argentina was the only time that a coup might be "plebiscite", as only seven months had passed between the two.
The Radicalism could not assume the government of the province, thanks also to complicated situations in the Electoral College, which are irrelevant, and the dictatorship of Uriburu filofascista had to leave, giving rise to fraud scheme: Radicalism would be banned in 1931 and in 1937 its candidate, former President Alvear, suffer the most scandalous electoral fraud that records our history.
On April 5, 1931, namely, that electoral victory in the first state UCR Argentina, has the virtue of pointing out some directions in a political strategy. Positive effects were once Lebensohn relativized by Moses, who argued that the feeling of knowing most had prevented the radical had a more critical view of himself, and hindered his party modernization in the late '30s.
However, it should stop at some central, fairly obvious, but it should be noted: in a highly adverse knew Radicalism will reorganize and lead the popular repudiation of the regime. This will put forward a strategy to unify domestic policy as expressed in the gubernatorial nomination. Out leaving only the ultra mines, which despite the acronym could no longer be called radicals.
On April 5, 1931 is one of the happiest dates radical history. But this is not its conclusion. It is for this turn and look at the smart drive. -Minded majority, ie, with a vocation to interpret the majority, always within the framework of radical doctrine.
This is true here and now in Entre Ríos. The signaling pathway that victory should be heard by all religious communities. It is possible, and above all, it is necessary for the proper administration of public affairs in this province hurt.
* President of the Provincial Committee of Entre Ríos UCR
Letter Of Request Sample For Telephone
Chajarí was held at the Provincial Meeting of Radical Women of Entre Ríos
The day began with words of welcome from the local party, Silvia Urruzola, Chairman of the Township, and Baldezari Nelson, Chairman of the Departmental Committee UCR. Later took the floor to the President of the Provincial Committee, Jose Antonio Artusi, who thanked all present "commitment to show at this meeting, showing clearly the real radicalism, which militants star every day toiling as you, anonymously and without asking anything in return, fighting for a radical united and prepared to govern within the framework of a progressive front, and away from the diatribes and insults between leaders. " Artusi expressed the commitment of the Provincial Committee to continue supporting such initiatives and evaluated the contribution to be made through the Institute of Public Policy "to develop the program of government build on the front and all entrerrianos offer.
This was followed by the panel provided, which exposed the Maria Luisa Storani national deputy, the deputy provincial Mirta Alderete, and Dr. Alejandra Lorden. It addressed issues such as gender equity in representation, participation of women in politics, sexual and reproductive rights, and combating human trafficking and gender violence.
3 was discussed in committees focused on these issues and produced conclusions were presented in plenary meeting.
closed the day the national deputy Atilio Benedetti, who urged them to "redouble efforts towards an electoral victory in October "and particularly appreciated the contribution of radical women.
Resolved hold the next meeting of women radicals in the city of Columbus, in the month of May .-
What Is A Good Bmi If I Want To Wear A Bikini
Columbus was held in the Fourth Training Workshop Training School UCR Policy
was made on Monday March 28 at the Columbus Committee of the Fourth Training Workshop Training School Policy Institute of the Radical Civic Union of Entre Rios. On this occasion it was the economic policy module, and was by the Cdor. Alejandro Gaggero.
A large audience participated actively in the workshop and the debate.
They welcomed those present the Chairman of the Municipality, José Cáceres, and the Chairman of the Departmental Committee, Mario Joannas, and subsequently the President of the Departmental Committee referred to the work of the Institute of the Party, as regards and training of activists and leaders, and policy analysis and public. At the end of the workshop, the Rector of the Institute, Fabio Larrosa, reported on the many activities planned in the near future .-
was made on Monday March 28 at the Columbus Committee of the Fourth Training Workshop Training School Policy Institute of the Radical Civic Union of Entre Rios. On this occasion it was the economic policy module, and was by the Cdor. Alejandro Gaggero.
A large audience participated actively in the workshop and the debate.
They welcomed those present the Chairman of the Municipality, José Cáceres, and the Chairman of the Departmental Committee, Mario Joannas, and subsequently the President of the Departmental Committee referred to the work of the Institute of the Party, as regards and training of activists and leaders, and policy analysis and public. At the end of the workshop, the Rector of the Institute, Fabio Larrosa, reported on the many activities planned in the near future .-
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Whats A Good Color Tie For A Grey Shirt
timeless verses Ceps
"Not a sublime intelligence, nor imagination nor both together make genius.
"Not a sublime intelligence, nor imagination nor both together make genius.
Love, love, that is the soul of genius"
WAM. Primus Hermosa
Ceps, explores with his fingertips the softness of a blanket for her newly flattened, in his eyes reveals a kind of awe, an emotion appearing overwhelmed, irrepressible, letting out a shriek of a bird just thrilled. ;
Something unspeakable is stopped by a hand the size of your head, look carefully hoping to discover if that object has its own life or if you have the magical quality of show crescents, as these giants that rise in arms. Presumed that the new sound is part of a language which will soon learn, is not prepared to understand more than feelings, and only know that those half moons are drawn between them signify joy.
not understand why the non-movement, driving his hands and does make it go away, happy, surprised by that force which is opposed by air resistance discovered her five month old baby is not defined in his brain but the experience makes mark eternal.
The thrown object starts running and rumbling the walls with the most splendid sound alignment, immediately, the music of a genius draws crescents of satisfaction among the giants. Mozart never imagined that the beautiful Primus Ceps love him through his enduring creation: Symphony No. 40.
The thrown object starts running and rumbling the walls with the most splendid sound alignment, immediately, the music of a genius draws crescents of satisfaction among the giants. Mozart never imagined that the beautiful Primus Ceps love him through his enduring creation: Symphony No. 40.
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Siri Banks to death! The format and appears
are not jerks, do not eat the discourse of the bastards of Clarin. And sorry to be aggressive but at the moment, those who have blood in the veins can not be reconciled. A guy that shit for nine years, which Boluda, that none, who finally has the chance to sit down as equals with the company that stuck a finger in the ortho all these years, well, you tend this trap mafia, terrible, atrocious, that all right-thinking bourgeois middle class beyond political labels false, clap happy, happy to see how union members are corrupt. To them, it seems, like the company they are lame. Siri got tired of that and tried to sit down and negotiate but never could. From here, humbly, we support it. The hidden camera was a self-management of a fascist government, not of democratic life. And if any of you seem to think prepontente Siri was that the company is even worse. Jose Pablo Feinmann once said that politics had to reach into the mud to get dirty all over. And he who does not understand that he knows nothing. Pardon my unusual style violence, but had to be clear.
are not jerks, do not eat the discourse of the bastards of Clarin. And sorry to be aggressive but at the moment, those who have blood in the veins can not be reconciled. A guy that shit for nine years, which Boluda, that none, who finally has the chance to sit down as equals with the company that stuck a finger in the ortho all these years, well, you tend this trap mafia, terrible, atrocious, that all right-thinking bourgeois middle class beyond political labels false, clap happy, happy to see how union members are corrupt. To them, it seems, like the company they are lame. Siri got tired of that and tried to sit down and negotiate but never could. From here, humbly, we support it. The hidden camera was a self-management of a fascist government, not of democratic life. And if any of you seem to think prepontente Siri was that the company is even worse. Jose Pablo Feinmann once said that politics had to reach into the mud to get dirty all over. And he who does not understand that he knows nothing. Pardon my unusual style violence, but had to be clear.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Cheap Spandex Volleyball Funky
Things are going to change .. .
We will try to end the garbage in the streets and spaces Concepción del Uruguay public. One of the first steps should include the implementation of waste containers, but not as an isolated measure, but as part of a strategic plan for integrated management of household waste, based on citizen participation and commitment of all .-
Photos taken on Monday April 4, 2011 between 14 and 15 hours .-
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