This is clear that the ability to know good music improves the lover, to the point that taste is the weapon and ammunition, all those interpretations cool vocals and instruments. The most exclusive and varied taste in music builds the most sophisticated engine loves to hunt, only the fact, she asks, or simply ask you to share your headset and there's surprise, her lips stretched "That good!" " I also like "an expert chronicle the creative process of that song, learned or invented; the idiot will say a simple "what posh, I have more songs."
I confess an expert, before it was a passionate reader, the Romantics were my forte, but did not say, he loved above all things to the great goddess of poetry, until I discovered the music, the feeling power while flying with her drugged my thoughts. Over the years I learned to handle the emotional strings of the rest, I knew when accompanied with a note should be soft or embrace the break when a good rock. Many friends were fascinated by my great record collection. The world of musical history was in a large room fitted out as a shrine to musical notes and there was no meeting where they entertain the other with their favorite artists at the art space.
The most difficult to tame beast had arrived. The detected just as he entered the trials, thin and quiet, with a blank expression in his eyes, all a statue of ice. I was in charge of music in the play and asked my best friend, director of the work, to introduce me as the genius he was. I felt she did not want to know, I think it was biased, as everyone on the creative musicians, not wanting anything, nor intention of a relationship amical, just smiled when he heard my name and went to rehearsal, there was, what did she want? I did not know, but I discovered with the music.
At that time I enlisted for the party after the performance I caught the fellow's home theater director. I came when I started the toasts, the host spoke aloud: "A Toast to Oscar, the talented musician. Today, as on other occasions, he has brought the best to listen and health for me, because I earn the reward of this critical year, "I waved my grateful head all smiles, even she, not wanting.
A half hour and was about to finish a bottle of Pisco, night lights melted the house, the darkness was turning against my eyes. A few minutes later, felt he could not vocalize whole words, he who had left others in charge of the team, I would say things that do not remember then, my memory has not saved slaps I received, I probably would have talked to each other and not I had understood that it was to hear their problems and for some reason extraplanetary I was not surprised to see her sitting next to me, making contact beyond third type, insurance would use my procrastination to get the information they wanted. I was drinking with her that I half wondered if I could take her home.
went to his house, I never imagined a place so gloomy for a woman so beautiful. Low light, sad and gloomy picture, the street light barely illuminating a group of foreign paintings, one was conspicuous by its lighter color, a replica of the Paradise Tinttoreto and she pleased my good eye began to point out one a fifteen boxes distributed throughout the hall, broken only remember the past that were not short of talent: this magnificent picture is Henri Fuseli's Nightmare, The Ghost of Flea Blake Here Goya The Coven, and of course, if we could not miss him this Saturn devouring his children, like a girl showing their work. I looked at her with contempt, nothing more detestable than a smug, conceited a beautiful and cold.
entered his room, I palpated all the furniture, looking for some damn box that looks like a record player. Hey where do I put music, better bring my player with speakers, I left it in the car. No need, I have not really computer, I do not like the noise. My house is only images and shapes you see. But I said I was going to make noise, but music, good. There is good music. Do you mean, there is music for all and all, maybe your tastes are unusual. No, no music please. His last words shook my arms, amazing, she tried to kill my desire for music and fervent desire, powerful, even more than the sexual promise kisses. Wait, what kind of music you like, that is, if you want to put the Lacrymosa from Mozart, how special it would sound going through the pictures of the house. Is it so important? Well, after the meeting always hear some music. I hate music!. What? That is impossible, and how you act in the theater. With cotton in their ears! Lying, joking, no?, And bring my player. Go away can not stand those things, I thought I would try you, go! You damn buttons! I'm sure I did not do anything strange, I was leaving and she began to throw things that hurt me more and more weight and strength increased with their cries and anger. Was impossible to calm her, was worse than killing, I retreated to my car and ran.
My friend the director did not understand either. In fact only hired her for the tragic death scene, she implements special effects, you should see your videos, bloody as possible. It's crazy, is crazy, has a screw loose, get well just because I wanted to hear music, I wanted to spice up the game, get to your soul. Yes, and then to be obsessed or you look at the output of the tests. Good thing not hooked. Yes it was time for a more cops you. How do one more? nothing, the other was a married aunt, in life. Hey if she hates the music what do you call that?, I love music and I am a music lover. I dunno, we'll find a name, now is the presentation and I have to find another skinny on the effects, not a professional, give up because not getting along with the creative musician. Bah, crazy.