Thursday, May 5, 2011

Laproscopic Hernia Bloating

Ruben Salazar Mallen

Gabriel Velasquez Toledo
Liróforo Ruben Salazar Mallen. Soledad

Calinescu defined as urban tale, one in which the city interacts with the characters and deeply affecting. The epic hero becomes antihero in the modern novel. Such is the case of one of the first novels that were created in Mexico with urban issues, Soledad, Ruben Salazar Mallen.
The character interaction with the world is taken for granted in each of the shares. The city represents chaos and disorder, saturation, hurry, smoke, congestion. The city is the everyday life that is self-consistently in the middle of the absurd as shown in following excerpt: "It is difficult to explain, from twenty years earlier lived in the room he woke up just now. Twenty years can know not only the reflections, but also the sounds and smells of the room more sullen. " The perception of that reality, as happens to Achilles, the main character is moments "percatóse of living in a dirty city and sad that people had a dejected air of resignation and defeat."
The condition of the anti-hero Achilles arrives at base of human pathos. His loneliness makes him someone weak, his daily life is overwhelming and the lack of action breaks in her life. "I do not care, nothing. I'm not a great man, I am not a demigod, I'm just Alcázar Achilles, but Achilles Alcázar, youngsters, took his place because he works, not revolutionary merits or recommendations. "His age is affected because it secretes a watching world away , others. The change makes and introducing negative effects on the opposite side of the stock.
Obviously the penalty which earned him the censure of the first quarter century, is completely a farce because it is not indecent language (as was charged at the time), however in a simple and accurate, is to reflect the actual condition of the people, surrounded by elements plausible, but at no time allowed the offense.
The novel transcends a single day in which the character you draw their perception of time as the events occur "This had happened in a very short time, but it seemed to have thought long and an exclamation of Torres, who broke the thread of his thought, he seemed outburst, though it happened almost immediately to the words uttered a moment before. " This is how the author is reset to the feeling of immediacy. He dives into the character's thought and done with this they can understand the thoughts and reflections to transform that perception.
techniques the author uses to make the story are very diverse, on the one hand, it recharges in introspection and the interior monologue "If I had not had the unfortunate idea to look for them, nothing would have happened and I did not see between the networks of these atheists, "to give voice to the feelings of Achilles, but also relies on the use of a narrator metadiegético, omnipresent, which is responsible for narrating the actions" Blasphemy made a leap of Achilles Alcázar. More puzzled than frightened or angry, he stood looking at his interlocutor with his eyes wide, unable to utter a single word. " Popular speech with which the work is made, lends itself to the reader has an empathy with the narration, which is also used for descriptions of the scenes and details that give credibility to the text "The wide streets of Monte de Piedad, with its fresh ridges on one side and its colonial style houses other, seemed cold and somewhat hostile to Mr. Alcazar. "

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bottom And Heel Of My Foot Is Numb

Renato Leduc

Liróforo Gabriel Velázquez The Toledo
Renato Leduc.
language Desolemnizar
Like much of post-revolutionary writers, Renato Leduc makes the history of Mexico as a pretext for the narrative exercise. It uses the plausibility of historical data to create an atmosphere being prepared with the intention of showing their version of events, with a style bordering on chronic journalism uses to speed the course of events that have as main feature, a series of statements, a product of close experience: "President Madero was the Mexican Revolution, which was Kerinsky the Russian Revolution, but with luck and more tragic destinies. He died, became an apostle, martyr, a symbol and flag, revolution broke out. "
It can be seen in this statement, Leduc also uses irony, says with a humorous game, which further simplifies the contents of your proposal narrative, making it accessible to the public.
is remarkable ability to combine journalism and literature, the author is guessing items in order to return to a bit more critical journalism, it becomes clever, "the political journalist is the historian of the immediate. But often it does not apply to immediate past twenty-four hours ... because the journalistic material is more often than not, as once I heard the teacher Vasconcelos-Shooting and even temporary. " However, despite the testimony offered on his journalistic work, self-repressed, since in fact the language, style and value their testimony (eg on Reed), turn it into a reference author of the historical moment.
Leduc John Reed is for one of the influences that with more intensity and clarity, are seen in the practice of journalism, strong, clear and precise "all the great stories I know, as I recall, only one in sixty years effect has not lost interest and remains current, exemplary and impressive: Ten Days That Shook the World by John Reed. " "Ten days that shook the world, obviously, to clarify, also touched me, especially since by then had left my old job as a telegraph operator, I started in the random journalistic career and was looking for good models of story it illustrates. "
To his surprise, the author was the same as years before known in the ranks of Villa, who would eventually to become one of the most important authors who have in the testimony about the revolution. In this regard Leduc says that "Paul Nizan French journalist defined the political reporter as historian of the immediate. The definition applies to the reporter, war correspondent, etc. ... The ten days that shook the world and Insurgent Mexico, is history, but-if-fit comparisons can be said that the former is Tacitus and the second Suetorio. " Another
Leduc tools used in the exercise of narrative, is the de-solemnize the language. This allows, as mentioned above on their mood, their texts available to the general understanding of the people in general as thorough and authoritative document and in particular simple. "During the months she lived with Mexican guerrillas, John Reed not only was a witness and chronicler, but also the actor of many of the events it tells, and so much so that in the pages of Insurgent Mexico, spilled emotion, humor and grace. "
As a critic does not cease to use this tool to anneal the text of its elements solemn its popular search that certain actions make sense. "Explode at any moment a keen literary sensibility, an ineffable poetic emotion, an indefinable grace and cheerful, a mischievous humor that is not already in the stern."


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Opaque Tights To Interview

Comparisons are odious ...

Villa Elisa . Pictures taken on the road on April 19, 2011. Public Space
clean, tidy, carefully. No residues were observed scattered everywhere. No concrete walls to the delight of vandals spray and rusty pipes. The furniture is simple, pleasant, easy to maintain. There are trees and flowers in the flowerbeds. The flooring is in great condition, the lights work and cut grass. Waste containers, in addition made in the municipal workshops. It is possible, efforts should be